

E-mail alerts


(Following notes supplied by Nic Storey, for which, many thanks)


Download Blat and place it in your PP logs file (this is where I have put it).

Open notepad and copy the below lines to it.  Note that the blat parameters should all be on one line, or use the continuation character (^) as shown below:

@echo off
blat  AlertMessage.txt ^
      -server (your SMTP server address) ^
      -u (username here) ^
      -pw (password here) ^
      -t (email address to send too) ^
      -f (email address from here )^
      -s "PP Alert" -q

From Notepad, save the file named as PPalert .bat and place in the same directory as Blat.exe. 


Then in Plane Plotter, in the Shell alert setup window type:  PPalert.bat.

(Question from DJT - should you include the full path to the shell command in that window - I can't find that in the Plane Plotter Help.)


The file AlertMessage.txt is used to send the alerts so if there is not one already in your logs folder just create a .txt file called that.  You can double click on PPalert.bat to test it and all being well you should get an email.


Hint  To make things it a little easier for some you can also download 'LWBlat GUI' from   This is a front-end for Blat and makes setting up the .bat file easier, and it will also allow you to test the command first.